Home Local InfoFiestas Ondara Paraula May Fair Programme

Ondara Paraula May Fair Programme

by Loraine Gostling

The 3rd Paraula Fair will take place in Ondara on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May 2018.  The fair will be held in the Plaza Jaume I and the surrounding area. Open from 11:00 to 14:30 and 16:00 to 21:00.

Friday, May 11

  • 19: 00 hours: Casa de Cultura – Presentation of the Fair and awards ceremony of the III Literary Contest of the IES

Saturday, May 12

  • 10: 00 hours: Popular lunches
  • 11: 00 hours: Plaça 9 d’Octubre. Visit and opening of the Fira, and the Mercat de la Terra i Artesania.
  • 12: 00 hours: Performance of the Rondalla del Grup de Danses de Pedreguer (with the participation of the students of the Sanchis Guarner School of Ondara), who will perform popular songs, thus staging the oral transmission of our traditions.
  • 17: 00 hours: Itinerant Theater. Astronauts llunàtics by David Espectacles.
  • 18: 30 hours: Performance: Marcel to the Mediterrània
  • 19: 45 hours: Performance: Sergi Contrí
  • 21: 00 hours: Performance: Walnut
  • 22: 30 hours: Performance: Tardor

Sunday, May 13

  • 10: 00 hours: Popular lunches
  • 11: 00 hours: Plaça 9 d’Octubre. Visit and opening of the Fira, and the Mercat de la Terra i Artesania.
  • 11: 30 hours: Storytelling Manel Arcos, The color of the gate
  • 11: 00 13 to: 00 hours: Pintacaras, balloon twisting, and inflatables.
  • 12: 30 hours: L’Escola Municipal de Teatre d’Ondara will offer a mime performance.
  • 14: 00 hours: Popular food served by the Festeros del Crist Ondara 2018
  • 17: 00 hours: Storytelling Manel Arcos A great team.
  • 18: 00 hours: Performance Thinking Brass
  • 19: 00 hours: Acting and dancing with The Swing Machine.

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