Home Local InfoChildren “Old Skool” Family Fund Day

“Old Skool” Family Fund Day

by Loraine Gostling

A nostagic day of family fun has been arranged by Sarah Mears

on Sunday 15th October in support of the children of the Preventorio 

Sarah writes…..

“My friend Silvia has been working with the Preventorio children’s home in Gandia for some time and they are sadly in desperate need of funds. 

We are all so lucky to have our children and families in good health and fortune so thought it would be good if we could all get together as families and do something fun with all proceeds going directly to them. With this in mind we are arranging and ‘old skool’ family fund day at the Parador end of the Arenal on Sunday 15th October from 11 am.
Charges will be 5€ per child and 10€ per adult.
We will do all the old classic races from back in the day, egg and spoon, wheelbarrow, three legged etc.”

Please come along and support us and join the laughs!!!


Join the new group at Friends of the Preventorio if you would like to help in any way.

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