Home Local Info If You Need a Helping Hand…

If You Need a Helping Hand…

by Loraine Gostling

Javea and surrounding towns are full to the brim of people who voluntarily offer help and assistance in all manner of troubled times.  Listed below are some of the organisations and registered charities that will respond to your call for help.  If you know of any organisations that are not on this article, please contact us via this link    ( Animal charities will be listed separately on another page.)



Costa Blanca Samaritans offer confidential support via telephone. English speaking.
Tel: 900 525 100 Freephone

Alcoholics Anonymous

Hold English speaking meetings every day of the week in one or more of the towns across the Costa Blanca region.
Costa Blanca North – 648 169 045
Spanish speaking AA in Alicante – 679 212 535

Alzheimer’s Association

Help with occupational therapy. Advice, training and support for relatives, home help and nursing.
Tel: Denia – Sally Burnett 966 423 673
Tel: Jávea – Laura Videl 966 462 576
Tel: George Smith MBE 966 497 751
Tel: Day care centre in Moraira/ Teulada 965 740 497

British Legion

Welfare aid for ex service men and women in Spain, covers all the Costa areas. They organise the annual Poppy Day Appeal.
Tel: 676 451 780


Cancer Care Javea

Centre that provides information, support and advice for cancer sufferers in Javea. They provide a counselling service. Phone their shop for an appointment.
Tel: 965 796 846
Web: https://cancercarejavea.org/


They have 4 main branches. They offer advice to cancer sufferers about treatment available and practical matters. Home visits or in hospital through a buddy scheme, they also help with hospital translations and transportation to hospital for treatment. Many volunteers have experienced cancer themselves. Equipment available.
Tel: Marina Alta North covering Benidorm – Valencia: Elaine 966 482 662 or 699 152 167
Web: www.mabscancersupport.org


Help of Marina Alta

Help with short term medical support, providing a hospital visiting team and interpreting service at Denia Hospital and help with transporting patients to hospital appointments. They provide short term care of the housebound and arrange respite care. They loan specialist nursing equipment and mobility aids. Through fundraising they donate specialist equipment to the Denia hospitals and day care centres.

Tel: 966 427 044

Jalon Valley Help

Provides help in an emergency and assists housebound in the short term. Loans equipment.
Tel: 659 624 643
Web: www.jalonvalleyhelp.com

Guardian Angels

Charity providing help and practical support for single parent families of both sexes. They have a group in Denia/Javea and one in Calpe/Benidorm.
Tel: 655 32 00 55

Javea Women’s Shelter

Tel: Candy 616 212 121 or Nicole 670 553 1100

Gandia Men’s Hospice

Cares for homeless and sick men who are without family and funds. As there is no state funding, they rely on donations and volunteers.
Centro de Acogida, San. Francisco de Asis, Pla. De Vernisa s/n, 46724 PALMA DE GANDIA
Tel. 962 808 923 (Spanish only spoken)
If an English speaker is required, please message us at Javea Connect via the contact page and we will put you in touch with a representative who will help.

Paul Cunningham Nurses

Offer a combination of support, information and medical experience along with hands-on nurses and hospice care at home. They liaise with the Costa Blanca Palliative Care team, which consists of Doctors and Nurses. Offices are open from 9.30 am until 12.30pm Monday to Friday, Nurses and carers are provided free of charge, subject to an assessment,
Contact 966 790 363.

Listeners – Calpe / Denia

Are a new Charity offering a ‘listening service’ to any troubled, English speaking person, anywhere in Spain. The phone is manned 24/7. Presently we are based in the Calpe/Denia reagion. They are a group who want to support you! They simply ‘listen’! They are there for you! Ring 685 708 923, day or night 24/7. Don’t be alone!

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Loraine Gostling July 16, 2017 - 1:00 am

This is the guy you need Valerie. Peter at http://www.steamverde.es/

Valerie Barnett July 15, 2017 - 11:01 pm

I’m looking for a mobile car cleaning service that can come to the house. Can anyone give me a recommendation please? Thanks

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