Home Costa BlancaJavea Last Bus Has Left Granadella.

Last Bus Has Left Granadella.

by Loraine Gostling

News item just in from Xabia.com regarding the termination of the Granadella Bus Service for this summer

Two months have passed since access was restricted to Cala Granadella.  Today  the barrier was removed and the bus service ceased.

The new measure, launched by the Javea Town Hall this year to preserve the area has caused some discomfort between neighbours and restaurant owners, although it is reported that, at the end of the two months, one business owner claimed that “The balance is positive”. He added, “The month of August has not been good, we cannot blame everything on the barrier, so the comparison of this month with the previous year would not be entirely correct.”


In spite of bad weather today, dozens of vehicles were arriving there to spend time on the beach. A visitor pointed out that everything had disappeared overnight!

From now on, it is important to assess how the operation during July and August performed. Restaurant owners agree that during the remainder of the year they  expect to have contact with the City to improve the situation, “This year has been a pilot program, and now we must see what the failures were, so that next year the situation can be improved.”

It was said that the managers of the bars and restaurants of Cala Granadella stated that this measure is good to avoid negative expansion to the cove, to conserve it and receive ” quality tourism”. “But it is clear that until people get used to this new regulation, services suffer losses, as this year we have not served so many meals.”

There did not appear to be any residents of Costa Nova interviewed but we imagine, from various posts on Javea Connect this summer, that they were very relieved to see the back of that last bus fading in the distance! 

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