Home Costa BlancaJavea Jools & Los Jetas Take the Stage For a Farewell Gig

Jools & Los Jetas Take the Stage For a Farewell Gig

by Loraine Gostling

Young Band From the Rock Academy Play Their Farewell Gig with Jools Coooper 🙁

On Saturday 16th September at the Lounge Bar in Costa Nova,  three local young boys from the Rock Academy are appearing live with their mentor Jools Cooper.

Nathan. Jake and Nacho are guitar students of Jools and their band, “Los Jetas” was formed for the last Javea Rock Academy children’s event. Nathan and Nacho, both now 10 years old, have been playing since they were 8,  and 12 year old Jake has been playing for 3 years . Nacho also recently took up the role of lead singer in the band.

Rock Academy is very close to my heart as both my children studied there when they were teenagers and they adored it and I know that there will be some very wide smiles on the faces of a few parents at this gig on Saturday.  So on behalf of Javea Connect we would like to wish these 3 cool guys good luck again on Saturday and we hope that rain stays off this time!!!. 

We also wish Jools lots of luck for the future. He will be well missed here!!!




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