Home Blogs Javea Connect Group celebrates 10th Anniversary

Javea Connect Group celebrates 10th Anniversary

by Loraine Gostling

The JC group has been in existence since 2011 and is run, rumour has it, by three witches and a warlock, lol.

Javea Connect started out because I was being lazy, would you believe! I ran a bar and was constantly answering questions by locals, such as “Where can I get…….?” “do you know anyone that does……?” “who is the best person for………?” “Is ……. open today?” etc. etc.

I thought about putting up a big notice board for all my local customers, but as this “Facebook thingy” seemed to be quite popular now ( yes it was a long time ago!) I sat down on my day off and decided to make a group. I added all my customers and friends and told them that they could now ask each other questions and maybe even arrange a time when they could all be in my bar (Jaspas in Balcon-al-Mar) together ;).

So around 80 people were added and from that day on, it just shot up like a rapid growing toddler

One hundred and twenty months ago
I had a few hours free
So on Facebook I played
And misguidedly made
A group we now know as JC.
Ten years later I just have to say
That back then there was really no way
To know just how much strife
It would bring to my life
Wished I’d not bunked off work on that day!!
What would I do without it? 😉
Loraine…… 22ndMarch 2021.

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