Home Costa BlancaBenitachell It’s a Knockout! ..

Some of you may recall last year, that we had this big event planned for October 2018 but then the rain gods threatened all kinds of nastiness for the day and the event had to be cancelled at the 11th hour!

Well, we were not going to let this one go without a second try, we picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves down, and started all over again.

This time, we are delighted to have RAMA and Catland join us on the organising team! Both associations have now come on board with Apasa, Apac and Javea Connect and they promise to bring you a fantastic day of entertainment, frolicks, games and music, plus the obvious belly filling delicious refreshments. 😉

This will be a family fun day with a big difference, in Javea on Saturday 25th May at La Jungla Training  Ground, Camí del Frechinal, Javea. (Map link below)

‘It’s A Knockout’ Challenge

We now need teams of people ( families and local businesses) who are game for a laugh and who want to take part in a few hours of rather silly ( but easy) games to compete for the priceless Knockout Trophy and Diploma, which would look rather cool in your front room or displayed with pride in your shop window!  😉 

For those not competing, it will be a great spectator day plus there will be hot and cold food stalls, BBQ (laws permitting) and obviously liquid refreshments all at reasonable prices ( proceeds all going to the 4 charities involved). 

We are looking for teams of up to 6 people to enter the contest, but not all team members will be required to play all games. You pick your most suitable players for each round while the rest of the team cheer them on.

The games themselves will mostly remain a surprise, but, for example, we will be having a “Flip-Flop Fling” and a “Feed The Baby Slalom”  😀 . The games also include a couple which are not hugely exerting so even grannie can take part!

“The contest will be an ideal team building and bonding exercise for local businesses, groups or sports teams as well as raising much needed funds for the charities that are organising it.

Team Info….

€20 per Team. Up to 6 people are included but you can have more 🙂 Just pay and extra 2.50 per person to get all the help you need. 

Each Team will be asked to bring a mascot or “Joker” This will be used in one game of your choice, to double your points! You can have a toy mascot or dress up one of your team for a real live joker  😆 

Teams are encouraged to come along either in fancy dress or dressed in similar colours or company shirts. If you come in fancy dress, you will be awarded extra points for the effort. 

Teams are encouraged register beforehand hand as we do need certain props to feature in the events and we want to ensure we have enough to go around. Payment can, however, be made on the day. 

Anyone from 8 to 88 years can take part, regardless of age or fitness levels, in a safe, fun and entertaining environment. Join forces with friends, family or colleagues to complete wacky and wonderful challenges  A ‘let’s go for it’ attitude and a sense of humour is all you need, and if that all sounds too much, just bring the family along for a fun afternoon of entertainment. An small entry fee of 1.00 euro will be charged for spectators. 

Enter your team now by contacting Teresa Sawdy at Apasa by email at [email protected]. Or you can call Teresa on 618 754 634, or if you wish to speak in Spanish, call Belen on 625 409 253.


This competition was done a few years ago at Jaspas Bar and it was a HUGE hit. 


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