In a month, we will enter fully into the summer season and with this in mind, Valencian cities in the Mediterranean are struggling to establish measures to protect tourists on the beaches.
But the Government and the Generalitat still have not established the common regulation of these crowded places during the summer . Although some of the options of the municipalities seem to be marking the way of what may be to come.

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In Gandia , the plan to comply with distancing also goes through the subdivision of the beach, the closure of showers and the closing of traffic to the promenade to give more space for the terraces. From the Tourism area they indicated that several alternatives are being worked on. “We are working on all the scenarios, but what seemed to likely two weeks ago, may not work now. Everything changes quickly and we have to be prepared, “they said.
In Oliva the measures are similar to the neighbouring town of Gandia, although without dividing the beach. However “nothing has been decided”. An alternative that is also ruled out in Tavernes de la Valldigna because “it would make daily cleaning unfeasible”.
In addition, this beach has the footbaths damaged since the January storm, so they will not be operational this summer. “Nor would we enable them for hygiene reasons,” added the mayor Josep Llácer. For their part, on the beaches of Sueca and Cullera they still do not know how they will prepare.
In the province of Alicante, Dénia rules out plotting or drawing partitions to limit spaces because “there are no seating problems”, the mayor Pepe Doménech pointed out. But he recognises that some kind of control may be established in the cove at Les Rotes. The access walkways are going to be disinfected twice a day and the ones located on the urban beaches will be painted with arrows to mark the entrance and exit.
Javea does not opt for the division of the beach either , but will rely more on surveillance and control of access points “in the most conflictive areas”, according to the spokesman for Tourism, Toni Miragall.
In the case of Calpe, the consistory has not yet made a concrete decision and awaits the protocol that the Consell dictates. The options that are being thought about are fencing and controlling the accesses, or resorting to a mobile application.
For the moment, from the Ministry of Tourism, a committee of experts are working on drawing up the draft plan for the opening of the beaches . The measures that the coastal municipalities are already adopting thus coincide with those that are being studied to be implemented throughout the regional coast, such as subdivision, previous appointments or two-way walkways.
According to Tourism sources, it will also create a web page that collects information on each of the Community’s beaches to find out its influx and the different measures implemented by the municipalities.