Home Costa BlancaCalpe Georges Dehottay says “Thank you” after overcoming the coronavirus

Georges Dehottay says “Thank you” after overcoming the coronavirus

by Loraine Gostling

“Dénia hospital team has done a fantastic job”

Georges Dehottay, is the first patient to have been discharged from Dénia Hospital after overcoming the coronavirus. A reporter from Xabia al Dia was able to talk with him, once he had returned to his home in Calpe. He is happy and very grateful to the entire team at the Dénia Hospital because “they have done a fantastic job” for his recovery.

Georges is 69 years old and has been officially and happily residing in Spain for 18 months.  He defines himself as a great fighter but is convinced that without “the good work of the Dénia Hospital team, he would not have won the battle.”

It all started in early March when he felt very strong pain in his kidneys, “I had stones that caused me a lot of pain and fever.” That is why he decided to go to the family doctor who, after doing a urinalysis, confirmed that there were traces of blood, “that is why he prescribed antibiotics”, but as he admitted “they did nothing for me”. Four days later he returned to the doctor, he had severe headaches and a temperature of 38.9.

Georges continued… “On Thursday, March 12, a friend took me to A&E and he stated, “It’s funny because I don’t remember anything that happened in two days.” He knows that he spent three days in the ICU and that he was later taken to a ward.

But without a doubt, it was “the work and dedication of the fantastic team at the Dénia Hospital that gave me my life back.” Everyone did “a great job” and for this reason, he remarked that every night at 8pm from his house in the Manzanera area of ​​Calpe ,he goes out to applaud “as a sign of respect for the health professionals, but also for the Firemen, Police Local and Civil Guard.

The message

Georges wanted , via the press, to send a message to all readers “you have to take care of yourself, protect yourself, stay at home and if you feel bad, call the special numbers that have been given.” But also an important part is “having the will to fight the virus.”

Bravo Georges and applause to the team at Denia Hosiptal ❤

Smiling Georges …Photo: Xabia al Dia

Thanks to Xabia al Dia for this happy news.

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