Home Local Info The new Domestic Animal Welfare Law

The new Domestic Animal Welfare Law

by Loraine Gostling

These are the offences and penalties provided for in the new regulations, with up to 18 months inprisonment.

The new Animal Welfare Law has been approved by the Senate and now only its final ratification by Congress remains. Much has been said about this regulation, but few are aware of the fines they face for mistreating a domestic animal. This is what the law provides in this matter:

Fines and jail terms under the new Animal Welfare Law

The range for fines will range from 500 to 10,000 euros in the case of minor offences, from 10,001 to 50,000 euros for serious ones, and from 50,001 to 200,000 euros for very serious ones.

The new Animal Welfare Law has already been approved by the Senate and now only its final ratification by Congress remains. Much has been said about this regulation, but few are aware of the fines they face for mistreating a domestic animal . This is what the law provides in this matter:

The range for fines will range from 500 to 10,000 euros in the case of minor offences, from 10,001 to 50,000 euros for serious ones, and from 50,001 to 200,000 euros for very serious ones.

In addition, actions that result in the injury or death of an animal may be punished with prison terms , which will range from 3 to 12 months if the animal does not die and from 6 to 18 months if it dies.

Criteria for determining the seriousness of an infringement

The criterion to determine the seriousness will be, as a general rule, if the offence committed has led to the suffering of an animal . Thus, those conducts that, by action or omission, cause harm to an animal or alter its behavior will be considered serious; If they also result in the death of the animal or permanent damage, this will also be considered very serious.

Regarding minor infractions , the conducts that entail, by action or omission, the non-compliance of the responsibilities linked to the possession of a domestic animal by the people responsible for it.

Minor and serious offenses

Minor infractions (from 500 to 10,000 euros fine) :

  • Allowing animals to wander through public spaces without the supervision of their caretaker, as well as leaving them tied up without supervision.
  • Not having taken out civil liability insurance for damages to third parties.
  • Not sterilising animals that have uncontrolled access to other animals: the clearest example is that domestic cats that are allowed to go outside must be sterilised.
  • Leaving animals in conditions that could pose a danger to their health, such as inside closed vehicles, or exposed to dangerous weather conditions. It will also constitute an offense to leave them alone at home without supervision, for more than 24 hours in the case of dogs and more than 3 days in the case of cats.
  • The following legal breaches will be serious infractions , even if they do not involve physical harm to the animal:
  • Do not identify microchipped animals.
  • Using animals as an advertising claim without authorisation, as well as using them as prizes in contests, raffles or promotions.
  • Raise and trade non-native wild animals.
  • Not reporting the loss or theft of an animal within a maximum period of 48 hours (after this time it will be considered abandonment).
  • Harmful behaviours for animals
  • Those behaviours that cause harm or discomfort to the animals will in all cases entail a serious or very serious fines .
  • Serious offenses (from 10,001 to 50,000 euros) will be considered :
  • Use of aggressive methods in animal education.
  • Unauthorised mutilations or body modifications.
  • Abandonment of animals, including not picking them up from residences, shelters or veterinary centres.
  • Theft or misappropriation of animals.
  • Administration of substances not prescribed by a veterinarian that harm the health of an animal or alter its behaviour.
  • Shipment of live animals, except in the cases provided by law.
  • Withdrawal or relocation of community cats in situations other than those provided by law.
  • Feed the animals with offal from animals that have not passed health controls.
  • Permanently keep dogs or cats in confined spaces, whether outdoors (such as balconies) or indoors (such as basements).
  • Very serious infractions (50,001 to 200,000 euros) :
  • Euthanasia of animals with inadequate means or by unqualified personnel.
  • Training and use of animals for fighting.
  • The use of companion animals for human consumption.
  • Kill community cats outside the cases authorised by law.
  • Breeding and sale of animals by unauthorised persons (a license will be required).
  • Sale of dogs, cats and ferrets in pet shops.
  • Use of animals in cultural and festive activities, such as carousels at fairs and circus shows.
  • Finally, the commission of more than one serious offense within a period of three years will be considered as a very serious offence.
  • It must be taken into account that, in addition, actions that involve injury or death to an animal may be punished with prison terms, which will range from 3 to 12 months if the animal does not die, and from 6 to 18 months if he/she dies as a result. .
  • ……..
  • Contact for the Environment section: [email protected]

Source and photos :https://www.informacion.es

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