Home Local Info FACUA Denounces Coinstar For Lack of Clarity in Carrefour Change Machines

FACUA Denounces Coinstar For Lack of Clarity in Carrefour Change Machines

by Loraine Gostling

FACUA-Consumers in Action has denounced the company Coinstar (Skylark Solutions SL) before the General Directorate of Industry, Trade and Consumption of Cantabria and the Directorate General of Public Health of Asturias for a money exchange machine whose operation consists of receiving cash in the form of coins and, after taking a commission of 10%, issue a voucher that can be exchanged for “money” in the store box and only on the same day.

The association has been aware of the existence of these machines, which are advertised with the slogan ” change your coins for money ” in at least two Carrefour stores, one in Santander and another in Corvera (Asturias).

FACUA shows that among the conditions of use of the machine are some that could be infringing the regulations of consumer protection. Specifically, it appears that ” the value of the Voucher is equal to the total value of the coins introduced by you at the Kiosk minus a commission per transaction of 9.9% ” and ” the Voucher issued by Quosco can only be exchanged by you in the store where the kiosk is installed, excluding any other store. The voucher must be redeemed on the date of issue “

In addition, in the instructions for use, it is indicated that ” once the coins have been introduced in the Kiosk, they can not be returned and you can not cancel the transaction “, ” the Kiosk will print the Voucher for the amount of the total value of the coins You have entered, less the amount of the commission per operation loaded “and” You will have to go to the cashier of the Store to exchange the money “. !!!!!!!

In this sense, the association records that as a consequence of the application of these clauses, the user is unable to know the exact and final price before making use of the service, since the amount of the commission is only known upon entering the coins, and can not proceed to cancel the operation once started.

FACUA recalls that the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users obliges, in sections 60.1 and 60.2, the employer to ” provide in a clear and understandable way, unless it is evident from the context, relevant, truthful and sufficient information on the main characteristics of the contract“, including” the total price, including all taxes and fees “.

Similarly, the Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users states that ” all goods and services offered must offer consumers and users visible, clear and transparent information about their final price ” and considers as an infraction ” the lack of transparency and public and visible exposure of the prices or services offered “.

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