This article is not written by me.. It is by a Spanish newspaper columnist Ma. Jose Pou Amerigo. I thought it was worth roughly translating and sharing, just because, in my humble opinion, this is what we all need in our lives – not just right now, but always!
“They say that after the coronavirus pandemic, we will see psychological problems, depressions and the effects of confinement – the abnormal conditions in which we live now and the thought of poor future prospects emerge.
Extreme cases of ‘pandemic fatigue’ has been plaguing our daily lives and this will be difficult to bounce back from. However, I rely on a rebound effect if only for survival instinct of the human race in the ugly face of adversity.
Perhaps an individual has fewer resources in isolation, but the community unites strengths and weaknesses and makes the former available to those who see the latter predominate.
It is not pure anthropological optimism, as Zapatero would say. It is a memory of what happened after the epidemics or plagues that have occurred throughout history. Things don’t usually go back to the way they were, some experts say.
After similar episodes in history, sanitary measures, urban norms, social customs and even the attitude towards life changed. Contagious diseases, such as the Plague of the fourteenth century, were behind the generalisation of wills, some job improvements among the guilds, the increase in livestock or urban rethinking. Likewise, the encounter with illness and death turned some into more religious and spiritual beings, while others decided to live life intensely with a frivolous version of ‘Carpe Diem’.
We will see all of this, possibly in a few years, when we can end the pandemic. ‘Years’, plural; it must be said. The process is not going to end this year or next, no matter how much things have changed in the 21st century compared to the times of Spanish flu or the bubonic plague. What does seem possible is that it will not maintain its current virulence for a long time.
In any case, some analysts point to a new ‘Happy Twenties’.
In the last century, between the First and Second World Wars, Europe made up for the tragedies with years of euphoria, happiness and economic growth until the crash of 29. That is why there are those who point out that the same thing will happen now. Because of the joy of living.
So hopefully, we may experience a boom in comedy and humour and the desire to laugh at everything. It would be reasonable. But it is desirable that this boom begins now. It is now when humour is most needed. It is the most effective means of survival.“
And talking of survival…
A minister, a boy scout, and a computer executive were flying to a meeting in a small private plane. About halfway to their destination, the pilot came back and announced that the plane was going to crash and that there were only three parachutes and four people.
The pilot said, “I am going to use one of the parachutes because I have a wife and four small children,” and he jumped.
The computer executive said, “I should have one of the parachutes because I am the smartest man in the world and my company needs me,” and he jumped.
The minister turned to the boy scout and, smiling sadly, said, “You are young and I have lived a good, long life, so you take the last parachute and I’ll go down with the plane.”
The boy scout said, “Relax, Reverend, the smartest man in the world just strapped on my backpack and jumped out of the plane!”
Mackay’s Moral: He or she who laughs, lasts! Credit: Harvey Mackay –