Home Costa Blanca Easter Dampener!

Easter Dampener!

by Loraine Gostling

After a tremendously dry winter, it seems that experts are agreeing that a bout of rain on the Mediterranean coast is on it’s way and that as of Thursday, the situation could be severe in some areas of the eastern half and southeast peninsular.

This was recently announced by the Climatology Laboratory of the University of Alicante, which added that the approaching rains are associated with a ” cold drop”

However, it is still too early to determine how intense the rain will be and which specific regions will be affected the most. These episodes of rain associated with cold drops are very complicated to foresee, and in most cases, even up to a few hours before you can not tell if, in a specific area, it will rain a lot or just a little.

As the Marina Alta is located in the eye of this (for want of a better word) “hurricane”, it is believed that there is a fairly high probability that the rains will end up being dropped in the area.

The most that can be said at the moment, is that the bad weather is expected between Thursday and Monday! In any case, such a scenario carries a double disadvantage. The first being tourists, as the bad weather will affect one of the high seasons of the year and may affect last minute accommodation reservations. The second for the local people of the Marina Alta as many events scheduled for a the Easter weekend may have to be suspended. The Gegant de Pedra in Ondara for instance and the Fira d’Artesania de  Xàbia, may have to be called off if this weather forecast is correct.

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