Home Local Info Covid Statistics as at 5th March

Covid Statistics as at 5th March

by Loraine Gostling

COVID-19 growth trends by John Wilson

The number of hospital admissions in Spain continues to fall. In the UK, the rate of hospital admissions shows signs of falling more rapidly as the UK vaccination programme starts to take effect.

The rate of hospital admissions in the Valencian Community continues to fall and its hospital bed occupancy for COVID patients has fallen to 6.00%, from 9.26% seven days ago; this is lower than the average COVID bed occupancy for Spain, which is 7.88%, compared to 9.67% seven days ago.

Madrid has the highest COVID bed occupancy in Spain – despite this, its hospital bed occupancy is falling – 13.49% of hospital beds have COVID patients today, compared with 15.17% seven days ago.

Closer to home the GVA site reports that the fourteen-day rate for positive cases in Jávea has again fallen significantly this week. The GVA site reports 11 positive cases in the past two weeks, compared with 21, seven days ago. Denia’s numbers are also falling rapidly – 12 positive cases in the past two weeks compared with 29, seven days ago.

The graphs for France, Italy and the Netherlands use Worldometer figures. The Worldometer numbers include both hospital new cases and community testing so they are showing a more pessimistic trend than what is actually happening with their hospital admissions. The next post will be on Friday 12th March. Stay safe…John Wilson

Data sources: Daily Spanish Government data is posted here: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/…/nCov-China/situacionActual.htmToday’s Spanish Govt. report here: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/…/Actualizacion_326_COVID-19.pdf GVA Valencian Community daily press releases here: https://www.gva.es/es/inicio/area_de_prensa GVA Valencian Community data dashboard:http://coronavirus.san.gva.es/es/estadisticas…Daily Spanish newspaper commentary: https://english.elpais.com/UK COVID-19 daily report: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/healthcare and https://beta.isdscotland.org/…/covid-19-statistical…/ Worldometer: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countriesBackground & explanation of what the “cases per 1000 beds” graphs mean:https://www.facebook.com/groups/jaspas/permalink/3112648712130524/Population, Eurostat:https://ec.europa.eu/…/Population_and_population_change…Population of Spain’s autonomous communities:https://www.statista.com/…/population-of-spain-by…/Hospital Beds, Eurostat (Madrid & VC have been pro-rata’d from Spain’s numbers):https://ec.europa.eu/…/Healthcare_resource_statistics… Other useful links to bookmark: https://xabiaaldia.com/https://lamarinaplaza.com/marina-alta/javea/https://www.javea.com/https://www.spainenglish.com/coronavirus-spain/https://www.theleader.info/…/spain/community-of-valencia/https://www.diarioinformacion.com/alicante/https://www.levante-emv.com/valencia/

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