Home Costa BlancaDenia Corpus Christi Dances, Denia

Corpus Christi Dances, Denia

by Loraine Gostling

A time to enjoy watching traditional dances which will form part of the Corpus Christi Parade through Denia on Sunday 3rd June 2018.

The video above is from 2016

The dances of Corpus Christi date from the late fifteenth century but it was not until 1994 that the tradition was re-intoduced in Denia

Each year, Dianium Dansa performs on one of the biggest days of the season with Corpus dances, which year after year has grown to become a must for many locals and visitors.

The parade will leave from the Iglesia de San Antonio at around 19:30 and following the route along Calle Cándida Carbonell and Calle la Mar they will finish at the Iglesia de la Asunción in the Plaza Constitución, at intervals along the way the dances will stop to perform. 

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