Home Costa BlancaJavea Taking The High Road For Sharon.

Taking The High Road For Sharon.

by Loraine Gostling

A few weeks ago, I lost a very good friend to that most vile of human diseases.

Sharon Norrie was one of the kindest, sweetest, hard-working and loveable people I have ever met in my whole 60+ years of life. She ooozed charisma, was constantly laughing and if you did not know what had been going on in her life for the previous 5 years, you would think that she did not have a care in the world. This was because she would never give in and would never ask for sympathy, despite the fact that she knew, in reality, that she was living on borrowed time.

She told me, around 4 years ago, that the doctors had informed her that she would not make it to 40… But she did, yes, only just, but she did. When she told me this news, I immediately said “never” as she was such a fighter and her whole attitude was to kick cancer’s ass by fighting every hour, day, week, month and year that she lived with this nightmare. I fully expected her to recover.. I was sadly, so very wrong.

Please believe me, everything I have written is 100% true and many local people will, I know, second my emotions . Sharon was a VERY special person, one in a trillion.

And this is why I wish to get the word out as far and wide as I can, telling people of an initiative by Jack Ward, another of Sharon’s very close friends

Jack explains his ambitions to raise funds for the Instituto Valenciano de Oncologia, where they tried every possible

“This is the start of a huge project that I will be doing in October. I will be driving from Javea to Inverness and then travelling along the north coast 500 route and back. This could be done just to enjoy the journey but why end there?

Let’s make it a challenge! So we will be sign writing a car with this slogan in every language of the countries we will be passing through (Spanish, English & French) with just 1 objective…. to raise awareness and to get as many donations as possible for the Instituto Valenciano de Oncologia in Valencia. Our target is 1 MILLION Euros.

Simply scan the qr code below that will be on the car to get to the donations page.

If you can’t donate, then all I ask is you share the event.

Once the car is wrapped, we ask that if you see it you take a photograph of it and share, share ,share. Here is a link to the donation page. We currently have just over 2800.00€”

Jack also needs some other help organising this event and we will update this feature again in the near future, as and when things start coming together.

Oh, and if there are any local businesses who would like their name emblazoned on a car and taken through 3 countries, or indeed, anyone who has a car sitting about doing nothing, and would allow it to go “on tour” please get in touch 🙂 🙂 .. an old one like this will do 😉

If you wish to donate via my personal fundraiser then I am also running a private drive via Facebook. Link Below

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