Home Costa BlancaJavea A Bit of a Downpour!

A Bit of a Downpour!

by Loraine Gostling

Arenal Beach today!

This photograph which comes from La Marina Plaza was taken at 6pm on Friday night when the waves were well in force and the red flag flying, and yet still people were risking their lives, and that of the Red Cross Rescue Staff by trying to swim! Well, there is no cure for stupid but we have had a few people making their feeling know about it!

One post on the JC facebook page said “Tonight around 5.30 we sat having a drink after my meeting, we watched a middle aged man go into the rough sea showing a red flag, around six men and women lifesavers ran along the beach to warn him to the danger and asked him to get out. He was abusive and argumentative to them he was putting the lives of those young men and women at risk if he got into trouble, I hope your arrogance makes you ashamed, those young people did not deserve you possibly putting their lives at risk!! Feel ashamed”

No one would have thought yesterday what a drastic change there would be! Rain and actually feeling cold! More chilliness on Saturday but really hoping that it dies down overnight as there are 2 BIG events in Javea on Saturday and Sunday. Fingers well crossed. 


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1 comment

Chris Pettit September 15, 2017 - 10:04 pm

I actually love otono (autumn) here on the Costa Blanca…..not too hot or sticky and the occasional bit of rain to remind you that “winter is coming…” 🙂

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