Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Volta a Peu circuit takes place on Sunday 26th February

The popular race promises an enviable atmosphere for the participants and the public that come to the epicentre of the competition – the Palau d’Esports Miguel Buigues, as well as at any other points on the course.

The Club de Llebeig Athletics Club has arranged several musical performances -from a DJ to a marching band, the Colla Ximit band, the Colla Ximitabs or a batukada – to liven up the race.

The race will be held on Sunday, 26th February, with a start time of 10 a.m. This will run along the 10 kilometres of coastline between the port and La Caleta (outward and return), a flat and fast route.

Afterwards, from 12 noon, the children’s categories will compete around the Palau d’Esports, where Filà Pirates de Sant Jaume will also set up a bar for those who want to have lunch.

Madelane Powell and Gina Kaktus, from the Club, explained that the race, like all of the races that the club promote, will be plastic-free and with healthy refreshments.

Registration is open on the website www.somesport.com until 24th February at 12 noon.


Just for Giggles


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