Home Costa BlancaBenissa Still Burning in Benissa

Still Burning in Benissa

by Loraine Gostling

The smoke that still emanates from the Ecopark in Benissa  due to underground combustion is a real cause of concern to local people, especially those who are affected by  respiratory problems.


Since September 14,  37 days have passed and the fire and smoke produced by the combustion are still active.

It is necessary to point out that at the end of last month, the City Council of Benissa, indicated that the Merchant Consortium had notified the company Benissa Impuls that it was not advisable to carry out any further actions other than the control and revision of the situation.


Well, today October 20th, after over a month of this active fire, it has still not yet been extinguished. During all this time, the smoke produced by this low intensity combustion has caused considerable inconvenience, both to employees of the Industrial Estate, who denounced this situation to the Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs of Benissa (ACEB) and to the citizens of Benissa and Teulada that have had to endure “unbreathable atmosphere”. Indeed, several workers in the industrial estate  have had to consult doctors due to breathing problems caused by this continually active smoke.

“How long will we have to endure this smoke?” Is the most common local question asked by businesses and citizens who are affected by this lasting situation. There does not seem to be an answer to this, even now!

Source: http://benissadigital.es

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