Home Local Info When will you pay again to drive on the AP-7 and the rest of the state highways?

When will you pay again to drive on the AP-7 and the rest of the state highways?

by Loraine Gostling

The quick answer is probably by 2024 but they are stilll waffling a lot…

Today this news was online with La Marina Alta.com.

Under the pretext of conserving the national network of motorways and state roads, reducing pollution and hydrocarbons, the Government agreed with Brussels to introduce a payment system on Spanish roads in exchange for receiving a large amount of subsidies from the funds European. This agreement has forced the Executive to carry out its promise by 2024.

No clear plans

The Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, stated that the plans to restore payment for the use of the state road network had not been resumed. However, it could be implemented in 2024.

In general, everything is unknown. It is not known exactly which roads will be affected by the new tolls, nor what will be the payment system that users will have to deal with.

This week, the minister has stated that the budgets presented for 2023 do not provide for payment for the use of highways, although she has confirmed that she is analysing various alternatives. She could be referring to the fact that these nine reports belong to the first of the three phases of the pay-per-use project.

The next phase would be the design of the solution to be adopted and the third would involve resorting to the necessary services to tender the implementation of the collection system.

Possible methods of payment

Since the news of the contract with the consultancy became known, various options have been discussed, but for the time being, charging by vignette could be considered, with which a fixed annual amount would be paid to be able to travel on the roads, or payment per use, as previously imposed, when price depends on the distance travelled. Regarding which roads will be affected, another of the studies that the Executive must order is whether to apply the measure on state highways, regional ones or all of them.

So really, we still do not know!!

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