Home Local Info The EU will force installations of breathalyzers in all new vehicles by 2022

The EU will force installations of breathalyzers in all new vehicles by 2022

by Loraine Gostling

A device that would prevent the engine starting if it detects that the driver has consumed alcohol, should be pre-installed in all vehicles manufactured after 2022 in Europe.

A device capable of preventing people who have consumed alcohol from getting behind the wheel of their vehicle has been on sale for 25 years. This breathalyzer , which has a cost of about 1,000 euros, is already mandatory in some countries, such as Germany and France, in cases of conviction for offenses related to alcohol .

From 2022 all new vehicles in the European Union must have this device pre-installed; so that it is practically impossible to drive after having consumed any type of alcohol.

In this way, it is intended to reduce, and even eliminate completely, the number of traffic accidents related to the consumption of alcohol and other narcotic drugs. A figure, which only in 2018 and as confirmed by the data of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), has revealed that, of the more than 700 toxicological analyzes of accident victims, 40% were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident.

As various experts in road safety report, the weight of this device within our country is much less than it has in other regions of the European Union; something that the DGT intends to correct by means of the new Traffic Regulations that it will present soon.

In countries such as France and Sweden, this device that prevents vehicle operation by detecting alcohol in the driver, has already begun to be incorporated into buses and trucks carrying dangerous goods .

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