Home Costa BlancaJavea Pure Vandalism.. Why??

Pure Vandalism.. Why??

by JC Admin

Local Javea company, Bike2Use, who launched their new business a few months ago, yesterday posted a message on its Facebook page in which it described the pointless and criminal vandalism that their bikes were suffering.

“Hello riders!

As you may have noticed, recently there are less Bike2use available in Javea, also the locations of the bikes on the map aren’t always accurate. Unfortunately we’re dealing with some terrible vandalism in Javea, this is why it is so hard for us to achieve our goal right now; making sure bikes are available for everyone all over the Javea area. 

We’re asking for your help and collaboration, if you see bikes abandoned, in a remote location, in basements or underground car parks, inside urbanisations or seems like they’ve been illegally used by someone (like on a chain or painted black etc) PLEASE NOTIFY US! This way we can pick them up, repair them and put them back out on the street. 
Hopefully this way we can continue this great initiative in Javea! 
Below you can see a few examples of how we find our bikes on a weekly basis; 😓”

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