Home Costa BlancaJavea Javea to ban smoking on its beaches

Javea to ban smoking on its beaches

by Loraine Gostling

Via Press Office today

Yesterday, Javea Town Council approved several measures aimed at improving the environmental protection of its coastline. One of them being, that the entire coastline be “smoke-free beaches”, joining the regional network that promotes the creation of healthy spaces for citizens and preserving them from the harmful effects of tobacco and rubbish.

The proposal, launched by the councillor for Tourism and the Environment, Toni Miragall, comes shortly after the Congress of Deputies approved the Law on Solid Waste, which gives legal protection to local councils to promote the banning of smoking on beaches and coves that will soon be signposted as smoke-free areas.

Another of the agreements reached on environmental issues is related to sanitary towels, a product which, due due to its confusing labelling and the lack of awareness of citizens who flush them down toilets, they end up clogging pipes and sewage networks.

In Javea it is doubly suffered, as in the cases in which they end up in the sea, in addition to the consequent damage to the environment the currents return them to the coastline.

The motion, presented by the socialist group, advocates that Javea should launch information and public awareness campaigns, and also calls on the Congress of Deputies to promote legislative changes that would oblige the manufacturers of wipes to warn on their labels, clearly and prominently, that they are not sustainable or biodegradable products that can be flushed away.

At the proposal of Compromís, the motion also included a request for a ban on their sale and a commitment that the City Council and the Hydrographic Confederation of the Xúquer River to intensify the surveillance of the sewerage network that crosses the Gorgos River to avoid possible dumping of sewage or wipes.

The third agreement on environmental sustainability is linked to measures to reduce the impact of tourist pressure on the coves during the summer.

The Consistory, with the votes of PSPV and Ciudadanos por Jávea (Compromís and C’s abstained and the PP voted for the PP voted against), gave the green light to a tax ordinance to regulate parking, which will charge 9 euros a day for vehicles parking on the beach.

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1 comment

Mopat May 3, 2022 - 1:41 pm

Good to see the action on banning smoking on the beaches. I believe that few smokers appreciate that, in the vast majority of cases, the filter end of their cigarette is made from plastic, so every ‘butt’ thrown on the beach, in the sea, into rivers or drains adds to the plastic pollution of the waterways and the environment in general. Perhaps this information should be added to the public announcement!

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