Home Local Info It is NOT the Place

It is NOT the Place

by JC Admin

A new initiative by Javea Council.

Today’s Press Release states – “Nobody at all knew what was going to happen last weekend and this was precisely one of the objectives of the launch of the campaign “Not the Place” with which Javea Town Council is trying to promote responsible pet ownership and raise awareness of the associated problems.”

The day of the street market was chosen to activate this interactive street marketing action with a couple with dogs – a different way of attracting attention and raising awareness of problems that can be generated if there is no responsibility towards animals and their actions.

It’s not the place! is the slogan with which they want to appeal for responsibility and to emphasise that the façades and streets are not the place to take pets to relieve themselves. And that it is the obligation of the owner to pick it up and clear/clean up the waste.

As explained by the Councillor for Services, Kika Mata, the campaign will be carried out throughout the year and will include the following various initiatives, from street marketing to promotion in networks, mobile information points, interactions with animal owners and educational talks with children.

Information posters will also be installed in public places to remind citizens of their responsibilities as pet owners.

Mata is confident that this campaign will have a positive impact and that the awareness and education will help citizens to become more aware of their actions, thereby reducing the number of pets, reducing waste and improve the welfare of the animals themselves.

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