Those of you who have Movistar mobiles may already have voicemail set to English, but as I had changed providers recently and had to set it up myself, I thought that the sequence of number pressing to get it changed may help others who are still not 100% comfortable with the Spanish answerphone. She does talk rather quickly!!
If you miss a call and someone leaves a voicemail message, Movistar send you a message informing you and telling you to ring 22123 to retrieve it. Calls to that number are free.
To change to English:
Dial 22123
Press 3
Press 4
Press 1
Press 5
Press #
That’s it – sorted 😀
1 comment
Awesome, this did the trick. The only difference was that I had to call 22123 to get to the voicemail, but the other keys did the trick and switched it over to English, thanks.