Home Costa BlancaDenia Fira de Fires Ondara

Fira de Fires Ondara

by JC Admin

Three weekends of celebration this month in Ondara


Saturday, November 9 will be dedicated to reflection and debate, and on Sunday 10 the program will focus on a more familiar audience and a more playful-festive proposal, with the fire of artisan products, contacts, workshops or routes around the crafts, stone and collective popular culture.


Sample and Shopping Fair, Medieval Market, Attractions and Gastronomic Fairs

The Medieval Market will be installed on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 in November, between the Prado and the Bullring, in the General Bosch Avenue, and in Vicent Andrés Estellés Square. The Mediaval Market will have sale of products, food and drink, tavern, as well as entertainment, falconry and children’s activities; characters, workshops, music, performances, medieval attractions, crafts, and endless proposals for all audiences, as stressed by the Mayor, José Ramiro, being a proposal with great dynamism. That weekend will continue the fair of attractions.


Vintage Vehicles, Gastro and Concerts

Saturday 23rd: Evening concerts on the stage located in the back of the Prado, and on Sunday 24th in the morning, with the great biker concentration organised by the Ondara Custom Club.

The XVI Matinal Motera will be held on Avda.Doctor Fleming  (in the same location last year), while the Concentration of Old Vehicles will take place on Avda Alicante. The trenet will serve to support both events.

The “Gastronomic Tasting of the Prado” (Sunday 24 of November) will complete the programming of the last Sunday of the fair, with gastronomic tastings by the participating stands within the Prado: Ca Paquitina (Ondara), “Al Teu Gust-Menjar per emportar” (Ondara); the Coqueria-Mossets Artesans (Orba), Forn del Cristo (Swedish), Fine Meats (Swedish), Pastisseria Victòria (Ondara), and Rebost de Mari (Ondara).

As in previous years, you can purchase tickets for 5 drinks for 6 euros. In addition, the last weekend, the fair of attractions will still be installed.

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