Home Costa BlancaJavea Catland Jávea seeks local assistance in the creation of controlled colonies.

Catland Jávea seeks local assistance in the creation of controlled colonies.

by Loraine Gostling

Catland Jávea requests the collaboration of Javea’s citizens to control the street colonies of cats in the municipality, especially in urban areas. The objective pursued by the association is to “rescue kittens born on the streets and find foster homes for them,” as its coordinator Claire Wall explained in a statement.

However, as they point out, “rescue is not possible without food.” Cats go to places where food is left for them and their strategy is to transform it to create controlled colonies that facilitate the collection, management and adoption of the animals. According to Claire, this organised plan would prevent, over time, the roaming of cats in the vicinity of food stores or restaurants; minimizing the health risk that it may pose.

At the moment, Catland has contacted different companies in the food sector and related to pet care to be able to provide itself with food with which to create these controlled colonies. However, they also request the solidarity of the neighbours for the acquisition of food, as one more example of the commitment that the population must have to tackle this problem in the most coherent and respectful way possible.

The construction of the shelter for cats to which the City Council committed ( for which purpose a plot near Ramblars was allocated) will begin shortly. In September, the consistory promised to allocate 7,000 euros for the achievement of a sterilization plan in which the veterinary clinics of the municipality will participate. To this amount must be added the subsidy of 3,700 euros that the Alicante council granted to the municipality within its campaign for this same purpose, which allowed the sterilization of 90 stray cats last year.

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