Cala Ambolo, Javea

by Loraine Gostling

Ambolo is a virgin nudist, mainly gravel cove with crystalline waters, situated off the Cabo de la Nao almost at its furthest point.

It owes its name to the watchtower built in the 16th Century, whose function was surveillance and maritime defence from pirate attacks the same as the other Javea watchtower located in the Portitxol area nearby.

Both sites are located on private land. In its Southernmost slope, you will see the Isla del Descubridor (Discoverer’s Island). The Ambolo scenic viewpoint is near this cove.

Length: 300 m (approx.)

This beach is currently closed due to risk of landslide. And there are a LOT of steps as you will see in the photo below!

– Photo 360º:

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