Home Local Info Burglaries in La Lluca

Burglaries in La Lluca

by JC Admin

Three neighbouring homes were burgled in what seems to be a targetted attack in La LLuca, Javea yesterday evening.

This is the report sent to us by one of the victims.

We were burgled last night. My camper van and watches were stolen. Two other neighbours too. They smashed their way into all 3 villas between 8-10pm. Dogs were inside. lights were on but no-one was home at the time.

All three properties were trashed and they only took specific valuable items such as watches and jewelry etc. Old iPads and iPhones were not touched.

They attacked ours from the woods behind. Cutting through the fence, then smashing the lock off our outside utility gate. Then they used a tool possibly large screwdriver to jemmy open the UPVC, multi-lock back door. That didn’t stop them! Then they searched/ransacked the house. Every drawer cupboard etc. they tried to smash through the door into the garage, presumably by kicking it. They then found the camper-van keys and door fob and opened garage door. For some reason, they couldn’t operate the gate using the fob and so they lifted one gate right off its hinges. Pushed back the other gate, enabling them to drive the camper out. It looks like they’ve only taken my 3 Tag Heuer watches valued at around €5000. They did not touch passports, old coins, medals, old iPads and iPhones. They were very selective.

He went on to tell us…

My Dutch neighbour:- They chiseled out the lock on the wall to open the outer metal gate and then smashed the door in. A little old deaf dog was inside at the time but was not harmed. Ransacked place again. Stole jewelry and cash. Left other valuables.

My other neighbour:- Smashed the door in. Two big dogs were inside and were upstairs terrified when the owners arrived home at 11pm. This property was also ransacked . Not sure what stolen as, like us, they are in the process of moving out.

So 3 properties forcibly entered and ransacked within 2 hours. Only small selective items stolen, and they probably used my vehicle for their getaway.

Guardia Civil attended the crime scenes and the camper van was subsequently found, abandoned in Benissa

Cover Photo: PA Homepage.com

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