Home Costa Blanca La Tomatina 2024

La Tomatina 2024

by JC Admin

The Big Event takes place this year on 28th August and you can book a package deal from a few nearby towns.

Tomatina History

The Tomatina History started in Buñol on the last Wednesday of August in 1945, when some youngsters were partying in the town square at the “Giants and Big-Heads” parade. These young boys decided that they wanted a place among these festivities!

It was just a bit of fun initially but then it caused one of the participants to fall over – he duly flew into a fit of rage and started to lash out at everything in his path. There was a vegetable market stall nearby that fell victim to the furious crowd. People started to pelt each other with tomatoes until local forces were called in to end the veggie battle.

Then it was banned!

The following year, the teenagers purposely picked another quarrel and, in readiness, had brought tomatoes from home. Although the police broke up the tradition in following years, the boys had made history without knowing it.

La Tomatina was banned in the early 50s, which was not a problem for the participants who were actually arrested. But the locals spoke up and the festivity was again allowed with more participants and more revelry.

The festivity was again cancelled till 1957 when, as a sign of protest, a “tomato burial” was held. It was a demonstration in which the residents carried a coffin with a huge tomato inside.

The parade was accompanied by a music band that played funeral marches and it was a total success!

La Tomatina Festival was finally allowed again and became an official festivity and started to be famous all over Spain.

 It is important to prepare to reserve their places in advance, given that the event has a maximum capacity of 20,000 people . Furthermore, during the days before the great tomato battle, several commemorative activities are carried out in the town, so it is advisable to have a planned itinerary to enjoy the day, given that the town is packed with a large number of visitors. during this time.

Tickets can be reserved via the official website below.

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