Business of the Week

Seeds2Shoots – Growth Coaching and Mindfulness

Online & In Person Mindfulness and Coaching Courses.

Transforming your life into what you truly desire is the most rewarding journey you can embark upon.

“I admit, the fear of failure, the uncertainty of income change, and the thought of challenging yourself can initially hold you back. As a woman, society often imposes its own expectations on us, as well as our own, but you know deep down that your dreams and aspirations deserve to be realised.”

“When I finally took that leap of faith, it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The exhilaration of pursuing my passion and stepping into a new career path, despite the challenges, has been nothing short of empowering.”

“I’ve learned that the most fulfilling moments in life come when we break free from our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.”

“I encourage every woman out there to believe in themselves and chase their dreams because, in the end, the reward is not just a career transformation but a life transformed into one’s own vision of happiness and purpose.”

“I would love to help you overcome any obstacles that are holding you back…BRING IT ON LADIES!!”

Mairi is an accomplished Mindfulness and Life Coach, and former health practitioner with a passion for helping women unleash their true potential. With a diverse background in healthcare and education. ” I bring a unique blend of compassion, knowledge, and insight to my Coaching and Mindfulness practice.”

Here’s how a Growth Coach can help you:

A growth coach is like a personal growth expert, dedicated to helping people enhance both their personal lives and careers. These type of coaches collaborate with individuals to pinpoint aspirations, craft actionable strategies, and offer ongoing assistance on the path to accomplishing these aspirations. Their primary goal is to unleash the full potential within clients, assisting them in surmounting challenges and attaining greater heights of accomplishment and satisfaction.

New courses starting in September

You can read more on Mairi’s feature on the Javea Connect Business Hub by clicking the photo below:-