Location of taxi ranks in Jávea
Javea has several taxi ranks in the three urban centres of the town. Specifically, there are four parking spaces.
In the historic centre (old town village)
- Next to the bus stop, Calle José Ortega y Gasset.
- On Avenida Alicante near the Town hall e St. Bartholomew Church.
Duanes de la Mar area (port)
- Avenida Lepanto (Dolphin Roundabout)
On the Arenal beach
- Avenida de la Libertad
Taxi companies in Javea
Radio Taxi Javea
In Javea there are a total of 23 taxi licenses. Of these, 18 belong to the company Radio Taxi Javea, which has more than 30 years of service in the town.
Radio Taxi Jávea offers local, regional, national and international taxi services from Jávea to any destination. In addition, they offer pick-up services at airports bound for Jávea.
To contact them you can do so through the website or by calling 96 579 32 24.
Independent taxi drivers
On the other hand, the five remaining licenses belong to independent or self-employed taxi drivers who also offer their services in a private way. To contact them you can access this website.
Taxis in and around Javea are extremely busy during the high season, but here is a list of contact numbers of a few legal taxi companies in Javea and a couple of other local areas.
- Taxi Javea ( Lubo) 669 463 441 or 653 845 009
- Taxi 3 Jávea 692 448 515
- Radio Taxi Javea 965 793 224
- Jávea Taxi 642 016 015
Platinum Tours will take parties of up to 8 people. TEL: 0034 634 387 488

There is also an app you can use that can be downloaded on Google Play