The 2022 Christmas stage will offer theatre, music and animation performances and will bring together the most charismatic characters of the Three Kings Parade.
Central Park has been chosen to host the numerous festive activities.

Theatre, music and entertainment designed for all audiences will be offered at different points in Central Park . The programming will be available on the social networks of the City Hall’s Festival Culture area and on the municipal website.
There will be 140 nativity scenes throughout the city. The life-size nativity scene in the Plaza de la Reina and the artistic nativity scene of the Town Hall. This will be installed in the Salón de Cristal and will remain open from Saturday, December 3rd to January 4th.
In addition, 137 more nativity scenes will be exhibited throughout the city . They will be installed by the different faults, entities of the Seafaring Holy Week or by members of the Association of nativity scenes.
On December 15 at 6:30 p.m, in the square, the TubaNadal 2022 concert will take place. On Friday, December 16, at the same time and in the same location, there will be the Christmas concert of the chamber group of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Valencia.
Other musical performances are scheduled in Valencia. Among them, the twelve concerts scheduled for December 17 at 12:00 in different markets of the city. There are also scheduled musical performances in the Plaza de la Reina on December 23 and 24. Finally, on the 27th at 6:00 p.m. there will be another Christmas carol recital in the Salón de Cristal.