Friday, May 17, 2024

If you need to apply for a European Health Insurance Card as a resident in Spain.

The Tar­jeta San­it­ario Europea (TSE).

If you are resident in Spain, have a Span­ish so­cial se­cur­ity num­ber and you are act­ively pay­ing your con­tri­bu­tions into the Span­ish So­cial Se­cur­ity sys­tem, you should ap­ply for the Span­ish equi­val­ent of the European Health In­sur­ance Card (EHIC) .

You can ap­ply for the card on­line HERE.

Go into ac­cess the ser­vice and com­plete the de­tail , or al­tern­at­ively you can visit your nearest so­cial se­cur­ity of­fice, present­ing your Span­ish SIP card and pass­port and they will be able to issue it for you.

PLEASE NOTE: UK Pen­sion­ers liv­ing in Spain, in re­ceipt of a UK pen­sion, need not ap­ply for the Span­ish Tar­jeta San­it­aria Europea. As quoted by the Brit­ish Em­bassy “Since 1st May 2010, the UK is re­spons­ible for is­su­ing the EHIC to UK pen­sion­ers res­id­ent in other EU coun­tries.

Social Security Office Javea:
