Moors and Christians Javea

    Moors and Christians Javea 19. JulyJul. 2023
    Fiestas & Special Events


    8:00 p.mOffering of Flowers to Sant Jaume from the Arcade Pío X and going through the streets of Cristo del Mar, Andrés Lambert, Avda. Jaime I, Presidente Adolfo Suarez Y Caleta square and ending at the Nuestra Señora de Loreto Parish Church. In this same act, food donations will be made by the Filaes and the Central Board of Festes to Caritas.

    10:30 p.mPaellas Contest on Calle Sevilla among all the Filaes. The products have been donated by the Suma supermarket. The act will be enlivened by Charangas. There will be prizes for the three best paellas. The Filà Contrabandistes de Xàbia, and the Filà Almoradins will offer a tasting of Vermouth and Anís , before the paella contest.

    11:00 p.m. La Filà Capitana Almoriscos will offer a gin tasting for all the partygoers who attend the event on Calle Sevilla.

    01:00 Informal entrance of the two Bands touring the port, enlivened with brass bands that will then tour the different Barracks and Kabilas together with the members of the Filaes and the general public.


    12:00 pm Charanga sponsored by the Filà Almoriscos and Fila Contrabandistes through the streets of Duanes de la Mar.

    9:00 pm Gathering on the Grava beach of the Bando Cristiano awaiting the disembarkation of the Bando Moro.

    9:30 p.m. Landing of the Moors . Recreation of the arrival of the Muslim troops with arquebus shot. Acting LEGEND specialists. The Association of Traditional Barques collaborates.

    10:00 p.m. Moorish Embassy and Surrender of the castle on Paseo Jaime I, at the end of the entrance of
    both sides by Jaime I.

    11:00 p.m. Performance at the Kabila de la Filà Almoriscos by the La Crew Orchestra, with a gift of Agua de Valencia ( Remembering music from the 80-90).

    24:00 Tour of the different Kabilas and Barracks, enlivened by Charanga and accompanied by members of the Filaes and the public, starting the tour at the Kabila of the FIlà Almoradins.


    12:00 pm Charanga sponsored by the Filà Almoradins through the streets of Duanes de la Mar.

    5:00 pm XXVIII – “PEPE PRATS Trophy” of Valencian pilota among the various filaes that will be played on Calle Virgen del Loreto.

    9:00 p.m. Battle with an arquebus between the Moorish and Christian sides on La Grava beach.

    9:30 p.m. Embassy and Reconquest of the castle by Bando Cristiano on Paseo Jaime I. With the performance of LEGEND specialists.

    10:30 p.m. Discomóvil with the performance of AIBAX & BUP on Manuel Bordes Valls street.

    12:00 p.m. Performance by the SWEET SOULZ Orchestra, on Doctor Fleming street, offered by the Filà Capitana Almoriscos.


    09:30 a.m. Aqua jocs for children on Paseo Jaime I.

    10:00 a.m. Distribution of ice creams and milkshakes offered by the Mora and Cristiana flag bearers on Paseo Jaime I.

    11:45 a.m. Parade by the Filà Capitana Almoriscos, festive charges and the Festival Board de Moros I Cristians, visiting the different Kabilas and Barracks. At the end of La Filà Capitana Almoriscos will offer shots in honour of Manu Bustos in his Kabila.

    7:30 p.m. Entrance of Music Bands along Avda. Jaime I

    8:00 p.mGala Parade with the participation of all the Filaes , Mora and Cristiana Standard Bearers closing the Captaincy of the Filà Almoriscos.

    11:30 p.m. Macro Discomóvil with the performance of X-PAM SHOW, on Pintor Joaquín Sorolla promenade, until its end at 04:00 a.m.

    24:00 Night of Humour in the Filà Capitana Almoriscos.


    11:30 a.m. Concentration in the Kabila of the FIlà Capitana Almoriscos to carry out a parade through the streets of Duanes de la Mar, accompanying the Festeros charges to the parish church of Nuestra Señora Virgen de Loreto.

    12:00 pm Celebration of the solemn Mass in honour of San Jaime and in memory of our deceased.

    1:00 p.m. Charanga sponsored by the Filà Trabuquers and the Fila Contrabandistes through the streets of Duanes de la Mar.

    6:30 p.m. Entrance of Music Bands. Next, on Paseo Jaime I, Troba de Bandas de Música, all performing the Pasosoble XÀBIA, directed by the Agrupación Center artistic de Xabia and with the director MIRIAM LLENERA MARTÍN.

    7:00 p.mGala Parade of all the Filaes. Moorish And Christian Standard Bearers

    9:30 p.m. The pageantry of the Almoriscos Captaincy will close the parade. At the end of the parade, a nocturnal mascletà will be launched from the Grava beach.

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